Brown Hairstreak butterfly and Emerald damselfly
Belatedly catching up with some of Nicola Devine's most notable photos from earlier this summer ...
Brown Hairstreak (
Thecla betulae) is a conservation priority species, in severe decline all over the country, but Nicola has photographed it on the Trap Grounds in every year since 2015. Its larvae need Blackthorn to feed on; we planted several Blackthorn trees five or six years ago, and it has paid off.
Brown Hairstreak butterfly (Trap Grounds, 20 August 2019, Nicola Devine) |
Emerald Damselfly (
Lestes sponsa): this mating pair were spotted on 23 July. The last of all damselflies to emerge, this is a late-summer species; the eggs won't hatch until next Spring. Emeralds colonise shallow pools that temporarily dry out in summer, which is just as well, because our Dragonfly Pool dried up completely during the August/September drought.
Emerald damselflies mating (Trap Grounds, Nicola Devine, 23 July 2019) |